Refund/Return Policy

We are proud to offer a hassle-free refund.

If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, there is no need to return your product to ensure a refund. Simply email us at [email protected] within 60 days from the ship date of the order and we will process your refund back to the original form of payment.

Orders shipped past the 60 days from ordering are not eligible for a refund. This policy is only applicable to products ordered from our website (not applicable to wholesale). We reserve the right to issue a credit in the place of a refund if we have determined the policy is being abused. We reserve the right to deny a refund when the policy is repeatedly abused.

Adverse Reactions or Any Side Effect

Please report any adverse reaction or side effect to [email protected] for a full refund. Any information regarding an adverse reaction or side effect is maintained in a HIPAA compliant non-identifiable data base.